16 November 2023
Principal’s Address
Principal’s Message
Kaya/ Welcome
It continues to be a busy time here at Newton Moore SHS. There is so much happening, with Year 10 and 11 exams, as well as lots of excursions and end of year assessment tasks for students to complete. It is wonderful to see students engaged in their learning but is important that students attend school each and every day. Most recently, we have noticed a decline in attendance, particularly with the Year 10 and 11 students, so your support with ensuring your child gets to school each and every day is imperative.
Partnerships with our primary schools is a very important initiative. This term we have our transition day for all students. We also have a program, called Flying Start, to support some students who may need extra assistance and a transition program for our Aboriginal students in Weeks 6 and 7 who will be attending our academies.
Soon the school will be welcoming Year 5 students from the local primary schools to participate in a series of STEM activities. Students will work in teams to problem solve various challenges. It is always amazing to see these students at work. This year, we have the classes from Maidens Park, Adam Road primary school, Tuart Forrest primary school and Cooinda primary school all attending some STEM class activities.
Recent world events have led to some concerns regarding distressing online content finding its way onto students screens and devices. It is normal for parents, carers, and staff to be concerned about what their children may see during this time, and we understand the importance of keeping children safe, and we encourage you to access the e-safety website, as this provides resources on how to stay safe when using devices. As parents, it is important that you monitor your child’s use of technologies and that you ensure your child does other outside activities, so they maintain good mental health.
International World Teachers’ Day was celebrated at the school on Friday 27th of October. We had a special morning tea to thank our teaching staff and we provided them each with a coffee voucher and chocolate. Of course, we have other days of celebration to thank the other wonderful staff in our school. The canteen staff and cleaners’ day was on Friday 3rd November and each of these staff were presented with a certificate of thanks and chocolates.
Many thanks to all our parents and caregivers, and other members of their respective families who assist in preparing their children for learning every day in our School, and to the teachers, education assistants and support staff who drive their learning throughout the day.
Susan Kerr M.Ed.Admin, B.Ed,Dip.Teach
Newton Moore SHS
From the Finance Team
2024 Secondary Assistance/Abstudy Supplement Allowances
Application forms are available this term. Click on the link below, complete your application and email to the Accounts Office at newtonmoore.shs.accounts@education.wa.edu.au Please also email in both sides of your concession card. Alternatively, pop into the school Accounts Office with your concession card and bank details during this term to complete a paper application. This will save you time when the 2024 school year begins.
Please note, your concession card must be a family card in the parent/caregiver’s name with the student/s listed as dependants. Your card must also be valid during Term 1 of next year.
2024 Resource List for Years 7-12 Now Available
Next year’s booklists have been published on the school website and are available to parents in the attachments below. The online ordering deadline date for FREE home delivery will be Friday, 15th December 2023, for delivery during the week of 19th January 2024. Orders can also be dropped off at the school office and we will forward them to our preferred supplier, Campion Education, on your behalf, but they must be prepaid. Hard copies of the booklists can also be obtained from the school office. Campion also have retail stores in Malaga and Canning Vale for families who regularly travel to the metro area.
2023 Contributions and Charges
Term 4 is a good time to finalise any unpaid school subject costs so they don’t carry over to 2024. We appreciate all parents and caregivers who make the effort to pay these costs, as they are valuable funds to ensure your child has all the resources needed in their classrooms for effective learning.
2024 Contributions and Charges
The 2024 Contributions & Charges booklet will be available on our website in early December and via a link in our next school newsletter. Please take a few minutes to have a look as it contains valuable information regarding the costs for subjects, approved excursions your child may be invited to so you can plan in advance for these, uniform shop information, and advice on “bring your own device”. It also contains information on Secondary Assistance and Abstudy Supplement allowances that some families can apply for to assist with school subject costs and uniform expenses for relevant families.
Payment Plans
We offer flexible payment plans to assist all families with the costs related to their child/s school subject costs. It is never too late to start a payment plan and your payments can continue through all school holiday periods if made to the school bank account. Families decide on the frequency and value of each payment and we have a range of payment options, as listed below. If you wish, payments can be small amounts over a longer period of time so there is little impact on the family budget.
Please feel free to contact Michele in the Accounts Office if you are experiencing difficulties with your child/s school costs so we can find a solution to suit your needs.
Need more information?
The accounts office can provide further information on your school costs.
Email: newtonmoore.shs.accounts@education.wa.edu.au Phone: 9722 2419
How to Pay?
Bank Transfer | Account name: Newton Moore Senior High School |
BPay | Newton Moore Biller Code: 106708 |
Centrepay | Newton Moore Centrelink CRN: 555 062 848L |
In Person | Cash or Eftpos payments at the Accounts office |
By Phone | Call the Accounts office 9722 2419 to pay by credit card |
Lower School Deputy Principals’ Update
Semester 2 Reports
Students will be completing their final assessments for 2023 in the coming weeks as teachers commence the writing of reports and finalising of student grades. I encourage all students to meet the deadlines for upcoming assignments and gain feedback as to where they are academically sitting prior to their final tests. Should any parent wish to enquire regarding their student’s progress, please email teachers via Connect or call the school on (08) 9722 2400.
Semester 2 reports for Years 7-10 will be emailed home on Wednesday 13th December 2023.
NMSHS Transition Day 2023
All students enrolled in NMSHS for Year 7 in 2024 will be invited to attend the Year 6 Transition Day on Tuesday 5th December. A morning assembly will take place and parents are encouraged to drop their students off in the grassed area near Student Services on Hotchin Street. Students will then do a tour of the school and commence a fun secondary school timetable for the day.
Please see the attached flyer for further information. Please note students MUST be enrolled to attend transition activities.
End of Year Activities – Lower School
Term 4 brings many opportunities for lower school students to engage in excursions and end of year reward activities. Maintaining good standing for inclusion in such activities requires students to maintain good behaviour, complete all academic tasks, and to maintain attendance above 50% with absences explained. Please continue to explain any absence of your child by replying to the daily SMS message, or emailing or calling the school.
Senior School Deputy Principal’s Update
Subject selections 2023 and Work Place Learning
By now, all Year 10 and 11 students should have finalised subject selections for 2024. If your child has chosen to complete the WPL program at school, it is important that they have organised a placement to attend.
If you or your child have any questions about upper school programs and Work Place Learning expectations, please contact Kate Nightingale, (Deputy Principal) or Stella Potter (WPL Coordinator) at school.
Year 10 and 11 exams.
A reminder that the Year 10 exams and Year 11 ATAR exams begin in Week 6. Please encourage your child to commit to a study plan so that they can achieve their best results.
Study Skills Tip – How much sleep?
Excessive sleeping on the weekend is a signal that during the week students need to go to bed earlier. The aim is to work out the optimum bedtime so that the need to catch up on large amounts of sleep on the weekend is eliminated.
There is nothing wrong with having a power-nap in the afternoon when students get home from school, as long as the nap is no longer than 40 minutes. A short nap can help students regain their energy levels and allow them to focus on the work they must do that evening. However, a longer nap will also disrupt sleeping patterns for that night.
Year 11 –Requirements to finish the year
Year 11 students need to complete all tasks and assessments and achieve a minimum of 8 C grades to progress to Year 12. If your child has met these requirements, they will be able to leave school on Wednesday the 22nd November. Students with outstanding work will need to remain at school until they have completed all work set.
Please join us at the Year 11 assembly on the 22nd to celebrate the hard work that has been completed this year.
At Newton Moore Senior High School, we recognise that attending school regularly and on time has a positive impact on learning, and therefore the best life opportunities for our students.
Excellent attendance and punctuality are the keys for our student’s success. Therefore, we must ensure that attendance and punctuality are the highest they possibly can be to prepare our students for their future adult life.
We encourage excellent attendance and punctuality for all students by offering an environment in which our students feel valued and part of the school community.
This shows as 50% of our students are above the required 85% attendance for Term 4, and, 25% of our students have 100% attendance. These students will be recognised at the end of Term with a reward lunch.
It’s also worth noting that 45% of students have 85% and above attendance for the year so far. Well on their way to success.
If your child is not going to attend school, it is the parents/guardian’s responsibility to let the school know by sending an SMS on the day of absence.
Please save this number to your mobile device: 0400 207 827
Student Services Update
School Nurse
Learning Areas
On Saturday the 21st of October our extension maths group took part in the annual Western Australian Mathematics Olympiad. The worked together in teams to solve questions and earn points for their team. All students gave it their best effort and we are proud of their commitment. Unfortunately we did not place in the top 3 teams. The experience was invaluable and I look forward to seeing how they go next year.
Well done to Billy Fyfe, Mark Coyne, Max Laherty, Tobin Russell, Noah Kuswardiyanto, Sophie Atkins, Matilda Harris, Briella Kennedy for participating in this event.
The lower school food technology students had a spooky week preparing and cooking some Halloween treats. Students focused on cooking for others and the importance of roles and traditions in different cultures.
Aboriginal Education
News from Parent Bodies
School Board
The school board had its second last meeting for the year on November 1st, 2023, at the board meeting members discussed the schools’ parents code of conduct policy and our complaints management policy. We also had an opportunity to review the 2023 school NAPLAN data and discuss the new ways of reporting.
As always, we noted the financial reports and discussed how important it is that parents make their voluntary contributions to the school. At this meeting, the school board also discussed and ratified the 2024 school budget. The board did note that it was unfortunate that some of our most needy families are not completing the SAS (secondary assistance form) and or applying the uniform allowances for their children.
Our student representatives Jeanette Kundi and Abbey Rogers gave student report and their focus was on getting new light weight school shirts, trying to get some sponsorship to purchase school graduation gowns.
At our next school board meeting it was decided that the focus would be on planning and looking at ideas on what type of processes, policies, programs and activities that the school board would like to focus on in 2024.
Community Notices